Nostalgic overview: This reminds Amie Uni of the time when she won first place at St. Joseph school, beating the elementary students for her 3 colored scenery drawing. And from that they she believes strongly on the power of Al-Fatihah and Al-Ikhlas... as Dasha's Neni always said, that time " Be confident adek (that time was meant for Amie Dasha)... work hard and pray ask for Allah's blessing... Insya Allah good things will come to you" and.. it worked before... it works now..
So Dasha.. and Aqila.. and 'another one' if ever going to arrive at our Rumah Batoe Puteh bunch.. this hopefully will teach you that as long as you have good and strong will, you focus, you work hard and believe in Allah.. it will come to you..
Congratulations Dasha! Keep up the good work...
[Note: A-Ok Calendar Competitions is a pretty challanging drawing competitions of children of American and local staff who works at the foreign mission. The theme was "Living Safely Overseas" Dasha was joining the competions among thousands of this group of children around the world. End Note]
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