Thursday, December 23, 2010

I've got new eyes from him: It's a Canon EOS D60!!!

Should I give him a smile? Of course. BIG smile. Seemed like our 'going-officially-on-a-date' is a LOT more fruitful than other anniversaries like.. umph.. I don't know.. Wedding? or Birthday?? Well. all are special. but this year! 23 Dec 2010 is one of the best as I got a whole package.

Love. Hugs. Kisses....and Canon EOS D60. This certainly adds up my collection. :)

Then 2 days later he gave me Nat Geo bag. Perfect! These pics? I took pictures of my favorite collections with the my D60 baby! {Just too much baby! Unimaginable and you read my hopes well}.

Now, let's go hunting! :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Anak adalah titipan-Nya

Anak adalah titipan-Nya

Anak-anakmu bukanlah milikmu

Mereka adalah putra-putri kehidupan

Yang mendambakan kehidupannya sendiri

Mereka datang melalui kamu

Tapi tidak darimu

Dan meskipun mereka telah bersama kamu

Namun bukanlah milikmu

Kamu bisa memberikan cintamu

Namun tidak kehendakmu

Kamu bisa memberikan rumah bagi raga mereka

Namun tidak bagi jiwa mereka

Karena jiwa mereka ada di masa depan

Yang tidak bisa kamu capai meskipun dalam mimpi

Kamu bisa mengikuti dunia mereka

Tapi jangan harap mereka bisa mengikuti duniamu\

Karena dunia ini tidaklah mundur

Dan tidak pula berhenti

Kamu ibarat busur

Dan anak-anakmu meluncur seperti anak panah

Sang pemanah berusaha sekuat tenaga

Membidik sasaran yang sangat jauh

Agar anak panah bisa melesat tepat

Anak panahpun meninggalkan busur

Yang tetap berada dalam genggaman

Sang pemanah memandang anak panah yang melesat

Dan bangga melihat anak panah yang tetap pada kodratnya

(Tafakur) ~ diambil dari lembaran buku "Sentuhan Kalbu"

Dasha, Aqila and Dzar... one day if you read this, just so you know that Amie and Abach love you all very much... :-*

Saturday, October 9, 2010

nngg.. klo baru ngerayain hari "jadian" mode-nya jadi agak2 puitis gitu... ^,^ .... in luv abis!!!

di era facebook ini semua posting kehidupan pribadinya secara on line.. saling berbagi.. aku? ya udah pasti ikutan..

tapi gambar berbicara banyak tanpa harus ada ketukan keyboard laptop.. :)

selamat anniversary sayang.. walaupun telat, yang penting hadir...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I tried....

If you are here right now..I really want to tell you how I tried. I predicted that it will not be successful, as I see by the whole condition, by heart, by attitude that they will not want to open their heart for trying to make the best for the future and forget all the bitter - not for their sake, but for the future generations sake -

But you told me too many times. People can think whatever they want to think. But don't let it stop us from trying in doing good. What is important is effort and goodwill - if let say it is appreciated then great, if least we try.

But what bothered me, if only they are not the closest individuals, then I would be fine - but they are close to us.

I have tried Dad, and I promise you I will keep on trying... Sigh, if only you are here now, at least your wise words can calm my broken heart.

Missing you....

Sunday, May 23, 2010

no deal, just go with the flow...

....So when really do we call someone as our best friend? When actually the ‘best friend’ status can be given to a person? Does it begin just because the 2 has secret that they share? Darkest secret even? Or does it start because the two has similar admiration or hatred? Or does it start because one of them had poured their heart out to the other? Or as what people claim, does it start with simple conversation?

Well, let me tell you about a friendship. This is true story. A friendship that does not apply differences in any perspective, but more focus in respect, forgiveness, giving comfort, understanding, and simply run their life and share with each other. It was all started in an art class.

Often they see each other in hallway without even realizing that one will be the best bosom friend of the other for a long, long time. This writing is kind of hard, maybe you will not feel the essence, because I am trying to summarize 20 years of friendship in one short story.

That afternoon they realized that they have same watches, Mickey-mouse watch. Both started to chat about their watches and began simple conversation about their artwork. Just ordinary conversation.

Days passed by.

One day, one of them wore jeans with lots of drawings on them. Then they both turned out in the same English class, so they chatted about the drawings on the jeans. That day, after school, one of them invited the other for a glass of milk and cookies. So they walked along the small streets, enjoying spring and talked about trees, then had milk and cookies in a warm kitchen. It was just simple.

Day after day, they found similarities in perspective, ideas, but also with tons of differences. They came from very different culture, different religion background, different community, different in many things. But the focus was the similarities without neglecting the differences so they can respect each other difference. The differences were used to gain more knowledge about each other, about life, about people. The differences, I think, had made them to, often, try to understand others, that no-one is the same in the surface of earth. Both had adapted to ensure the comfort of the other. Cried together, laugh together, share everything together.

Can you imagine how hard it is for an American to train her dog not to kiss her Indonesian Moslem friend? But she did! Or ensure that this Indonesian need real breakfast and cannot eat pork? She did! She provided all that, by thinking in advance what is culturally fit to her Indonesian friend.

Can you imagine how hard it is for Indonesian to understand that American drink milk? (gosh, believe me, Indonesian don’t drink milk that much in those years)?? But she did! She had milk at her home, she also had shrimp chips for midnight snacks or fried cassava to replace French fries on movie days. And toilet paper! Believe me, this simple stuff can be frustrating if you are not use to them.

Many more cultural differences…many more background differences...

This might sounds nothing, but adapting to each other for a long time can be challenging. Imagine asking for space to do prayers, 5 times in a day, at her American friend’s home. Specific requirement is clean and quiet. It was all there!

Then to ensure that the American happily celebrated Christmas, the joy was also shared, at the Indonesian Moslem's little apartment. They did Christmas tree hunting together.

Trying each other’s dinner, putting up with different background mothers (ha ha, we love you Moms!) who often get crabby in American style, or Indonesian style, dealing with their favorite fathers in the whole galaxy with super different background, which enriched them as children, to learn from both parents. One was a lecturer, the other used to work with trains. What other cool combination can you find?

They often took this certain flower, took off the petals and made wishes. They often looked up at the stars and made wishes. Looked into milk bottle and made wishes for some coins to buy French vanilla ice cream. Goods were not the issue. Money was never the issue. The whole issue is how to share and keep things balance among them. How so both can have ice cream, .. or to buy funky stickers in Shadyside.

Secretly, they have their own games. Yes, people might call it stupid today, or even scary weird, but at the age of 16, they still played house, pretended to have English tea party with their imaginary English friends, biked around the city, put flowers on their shoes, hop around dry leaves in autumn, enjoyed snow-flakes in winter, threw stuffed animal up and down the second floor window, peeked into a house with a romantic red colored wall and grand piano, cried so hard over Anne of Green Gable movie (God! That Gilbert character is just….), ate 100 soft spring rolls hot from the oven, or had “stop sucking your teeth” competition.

Arguments? Yes, of course it happened. But somehow simple word “sorry” was enough. Then basically both smiled and start to be friends again. The only long argument was when they misunderstood their meeting point on a Halloween day. It last 30 minutes, and that was too because of the biking distance from the spot to that American home. That evening both just dumped their bike, then went quiet and worked on pumpkin carving. I can say 10 minutes later they laughed over it, thinking they were so stupid.

Oh, they also knew each other stupidity. Over guys. Over work. Over family. But it did not make the love and appreciation became less. Instead, good words were given to each other. And when words don’t work, they gave space to each other. They understand when to give each other time to heal.

There was no terms and conditions. And simply no transaction. It was just about sharing. In their friendship NEVER ONCE they said they felt sorry for all the mistakes happened in their life. Even when one might made mistakes to another. Never once they hide a lie, or not admitting faults. They realized that to make a relationship stronger, it is about confessing, then forgiving, then understanding the other person, then provide strength, in advises or complains, followed by deep sigh and warm friendship hugs. It was NEVER, NEVER, NEVER about transaction, because friendship IS NOT business deal. When you start to expect too much from the other, then it won’t be called as best friend anymore. No need to have great expectation, because if you believe the other person is your best friend, then he/ she will show the effort. There is no contract for best friend. It is more about thinking that the other soul is your soul.

No empty promises among best friend.

Other secrets? They often spent time just appreciating sunset, or stars, and make wish upon them. Cried, yes, they shed silly tears a lot, over way too beautiful clouds, or white silky winter outside the window. All of those beauty basically brought them to wish that they will never be parted by heart.

They were then separated by oceans for nine years. Letters were sent, transformed to email and other technology.

But guess what? The power of imagination and dream will lead you to your dream, as long as you believe in it. After nine years, they found a way to see each other again, …and again, …and again. And the first meeting after separated nine yrs, was just the same as before. They still did the same rituals.

And yes, now they are in mid 30s, and yet, they still stopped for a couple of long minutes on a highway to their old town five years ago just to look at the dark sky with millions of stars. Yes, they still cried over romantic movies, still share their ice cream and yoghurt, or exchange sweaters. It was just like that....But it was beautiful!

Again, no demands, no blames, no regrets, no terms and conditions, no transactions or deals. Just simple friendship.

Today, the Indonesian and the American is trying to live the legacy to the girls (daughters of the Indonesian). To make them as free spirit, free individuals, make them feel comfort to dream and to live their live by appreciating others. One teached the girls from distance, one from near. Set good samples and convey good friendship story to them. Wishing for them to have soul mate too as they grow.

And I have the feeling they will see each other again pretty soon.


PS. This one I can assure you will always end up nice, Insya Allah. There are other version of friendship too, also stupidly beautiful. Some start with crying in a campus toilet by the mops and the brooms, another started with a conversation that started by “Hey, we have the same sign!” – how they end up next? Who knows….after all Aquarian should really be like water, just go with the flow...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

dulu waktu kuliah takut setengah mati kalau pe-er ga selesai.. bergadang sampe berlarut2.. diawali dengan kongsian pulpen rotring dengan 3 teman cowok yg berbagi studio.. sampe akhirnya cuma tinggal aku... di studio akhir, semua sibuk dengan tugas masing-masing...

tamat kuliah, kerja penelitian... juga ngajar sebagai asisten dosen... jadi asisten dengan berjuta nasihat ke adik-adik kelas.. harus rajin!!! harus bisa! lah wong kami aja pas jama ga enak.. jaman kuda gigit kingkong aja masih bisa bertahan bergadang dengan peralatan sederhana (suer.. aku kuliah paling ga punya peralatan! meja gambar kayu tanpa mesin.. kendalinya cuma di penggaris lurus ma penggaris segitiga rotring!... suer.. habis ga tega minta duit ma Dad) - nah jadi cukup heran kalau ada yang punya meja gambar lengkap, pake alat, mejanya pake pedal lagi.. naik, turun, naik, turun.. kayak bawa mobil.. tapi pe-ernya ga siap.. lah itu namanya keliwatan!!

hare gene.. anak2 di kampus dah berlaptop-ria.. semua serba auto-cad.. keren abis! tapi.. apa pe-ernya siap? lah aku emang bukan dosen.. cuma mo kasih semangat aja.. bahwa dgn tekno yg luar biasa canggih hari ini kenapa pe-er jadi ga kelar? apa krn tanggung jawab jadi makin dikit? ato ilmu download, copy, paste menjadi semakin mahir? jangan ya dek.. eh.. nak.. eh ... dek.. (harus manggil apa dong? kalo adek, mrk bukan adek kelas.. kalo anak.. mereka bukan anakku.. bukan juga mahasiswaku...)

nah sekarang giliranku... kenapa juga jadi berubah ya? dulu ruajiiinnn (sumpeee) banget bikin pe-er.. sampe semua dikorbanin.... sekarang lah ya kok sulit abis ya mo mbaca, mo ngetik.. gimana pe-erku mo kelar??? baru aja pagi ini baca email dari sang professor.... biasa, beliau dengan baiknya ngasih referensi bacaan... katanya , " nak.. baca.. baca.. trus diolah.. dipikir... dianalisa.. dont get stuck on the history of conflict. You are part of the elite group who is studying about peace resolution... so you gotta think about the theory too, how they are applied.... dst.. dst.. dst..." -

aku nulis ini krn udah ga enak ati.. sebulan menelantarkan pe-er.. hiks.. seharusnya jgn begitu. lah wong uda ijab kabul mo sekolah, masak sih di-cere-in sepihak??? lagian kan sayang uang sekolahnya..

jadi.. Uni.. HARUS RAJIN!!!

ergh... doain! biar kelar.. *otak ku rada ngambek*

Monday, February 8, 2010

For those who cares for cup'o'coffee and a lil bit of love :)

I sit here since last night

I can feel you're still by my side

When I hark back to what happened in the past

Your smile re-appears in my sight

Coffee could never work on me

Until last time you had an ice-blended one with me

I can't believe it that I felt so free

O that can be another collection to my sweet memory

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ga Ada Judul Lagi

terhanyut dalam langkah kaki

bergetar menapak

tersihir oleh mata
tapi juga oleh tautan puisi

masa yang terlewati

kadang berbalut asa semu

menghilangkan jejak tapak kaki

di atas bulir pasir yang tajam dan panas

dan ketika desiran air itu menyentuh

tercipta kesejukan abadi

yang pernah terabaikan tak terasa

sapaan alam

pasir panas dan deburan air dingin dari kedalaman laut

panas yang menghangatkan, tapi juga menghujam

dingin yang memeluk lembut tanpa ragu


hanyalah roh yang tidak punya kuasa

sering menghukummu,

bulir pasir yang pedih

atau dincintai oleh lembutnya air yang menghidupkan

hanya menjalani

Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Rachma! Mail for ya!!! "

So one day I found a book on how to tell a character by the way they write, from where they are starting their lines, and where they stop.

Those who write with straight up letters, are people who demand clarity.

Those who starts their lines in the middle of an empty paper, don't think about material as focus of their life - instead, they love attention.

Those who likes to doodle rectangular and curve lines, love to imagine. A day dreamer. Art oriented.

Those who doodle with numbers, have some sense of logic.

My gosh, if a person love to doodle pictures and numbers, will have their logic and imagination clash almost all the time. As the usage of brain and emotion are equally balance. (damn it!)Those who keeps writing to the edge of the paper until the letters have to be squeezed into small letters, often bump themselves to the "wall", allow themselves to fall, again and again...and just never their passion to achieve things that inspire and light up their life just stop them from thinking rationally. (so where did the brain factor here?)

Those who the ending stroke of their signatures is going up will have good fortune material wise (Gosh...really? Change urs! Quick! :-) )

Those whose signatures are cut into small lines often has emotion that change every seconds depend on the mood and situations.

But heck..above all...those who loves to write letters are romantic individuals by nature...(Are you? ) - to bad, in the era of electronic mails, no-one leave their personal marks by stroke of inks anymore, just to show they care. Where did the time go?I love emails - but I miss seeing our old mailman honking his motorcycle and call my name: "Rachma! Mail for ya!!! :-)"-

Jan 15, 2010, 23:40

suatu siang tentang cinta (by Rachma)

Waktu itu mobil baru saja selesai diperbaiki. Ada beberapa kabel yang memang sudah rusak dimakan tikus-tikus yangberkeliaran di garasi rumah. Mobil itu hadiah Daddy buat Ummi. Hadiah ulang tahun. Bertahun-tahun Daddy, membawa kami dari sekolah, pergi kerja, hanya dengan lobil fiat tua yang sekarang ada di tanganku. Kembali ke awal cerita, Jules menceritakan bahwa lagu ST12, yang liriknya ‘satu jam saja ke telah bisa cintai kamu di hatiku..’ sedang diputar di tape mobil itu. Dia menyetir, Ummi duduk di-sampingnya. Dari sudut mata, Jules melihat bahwa Ummi terdiam memandang ke kejauhan. Tiba-tiba dalam diamnya Ummi nangis, tapi terlihat dia tidak sadar kalau Julesta, suamiku, melihat itu. Pikirannya dipenuhi oleh rasa kehilangan suami, Daddy, yang sudah berpuluh tahun menemani.

Paragraf di atas sebenarnya karena siang ini aku berpikir tentang kehidupan berpasangan. Aku ingat Jules siang itu, setelah bercerita, mengatakan, “Rachma, mungkin itulah cinta ya? Dimana mereka saling mengisi satu sama lain, saling support. Terlepas dari argumen yang juga mewarnai hari-hari mereka dari muda hingga sekarang, tapi sering kita merasakan sakitnya setelah belahan hati itu hilang.”

Aku hanya bisa diam saja. Aku bisa merasakan kesedihan itu. Tahun lalu Ummi membersihkan rumah habis-habisan setelah membiarkan begitu saja selama 3 tahun. Tapi tetap menyusunnya kembali seperti sedia kala. Yang paling menakjubkan adalah susunan meja kerja Daddy, serta urutan koleksi buku-bukunya masih tetap sama. Beberapa hari yang lalu aku melihat-lihat ke dalam laci meja kerja itu, dan semua masih tetap sama, seolah-olah Daddy masih tetap ada.

Sering kita merasa jatuh cinta. Hati berdegup keras, kegugupan yang melanda, pikiran yang jadi tidak pernah fokus terhadap urusan kehidupan. Tapi cinta jauh lebih dari itu. Hanya ada satu hati yang bisa pas letaknya mendampingi hati yang lain. Mencintai itu sebenarnya cukup diwujudkan dalam sikap, bukan tuntutan. Tidak perlu pembuktian, tapi cukup dengan perilaku. Semua itu, walau kadang tidak sering terucapkan, seperti di generasi Daddy dan Ummi, akan tumbuh menjadi sesuatu yang indah, yang dikenang selalu oleh pasangan cinta seseorang.

Antara aku dan Julesta, semoga cinta itu terus terjaga. Begitu juga dengan anak-anak kami nantinya. Aku sangat menikmati kehidupanku dengannya.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Today I found a friend,
Who knew everything I felt.
He knew my every weakness,
And the problems I’ve been dealt.

He understood my wonders,
And listened to my problems
He listened to how I felt about life and love,
And he knew what my love felt like

Not once did he interrupt me,
Or tell me I was wrong.
He understood what I was going through,
And promised he’d stay long

I reached out to this friend
To show him that I truly love and care for him
To pull him close and let him know
How much I need him there

I went to hold his hand
To pull him a bit nearer
And realized that this perfect friend I found
and is the most important person in my life


I found this beautiful simple poem and thought this is exactly precise for a friend of mine who had spent most of his years being patient with me. He knows me inside out, just from the expression in my face, he knows my every way, and always patient and wait for me to be brave enough to say....and when I dont, he simply hugs me to give me comfort. That's his simplest way. But I adore it with all my heart, for he is a true friend for life. no matter what, seemed like you are always the winner of my heart!

I love you.