Sunday, September 30, 2007

Short Stop in America Land

Sarah and Sarah and
Sarah...and peace!

'Sarah Anna', again the name that immediately strike into my head as I got the info for the training in Washington DC. The training, splendid! would be valuable, the reunion! That is also not less important. Soon after arriving in DC, immediately my head was filled with thousands of little plans. Call Sarah, set meeting with Sarah, tell Sarah hotel info, call Hoa and Nga, plan a day with Hoa and Nga, or even more.

The day at FSI was as always, busy as students and just love seating there in their yard watching the geese walking here and there. Late summer breeze was blowing into my face and there I was, talking with FSN from Palestine and Netherland, from Afghanistan and Israel.... , Tokyo and Seoul.. it is amazing, here we are working for the same institution and we can keep the peace there. If only the world can be transfered with the peace in our little FSI community.

Then there she was, Sarah! We were just too happy and thrilled but the reunion was not all that dramatic since we had to follow another car to go to Hoa and Nga's. Anyway, DC is DC.. but what was fun was the walk like the old days. And also was fun to again enjoyed the cusine of House of Hoa (Hoa..I want more recipe!..nope.. fix that.. I want more spring rolls!) hee hee
Returning to Stonington was pretty calm. Simply went to Four Starr Frame Shop, attended a cocktail party at Howard, bake some ginger bread cooklies (Sarah did that really), stamping 200 postcard.

The trip was ended by solitair trip to San Fransisco. I love the city! Reminds me of what Dad always said: Go to Golden Gate! Awesome! and it was...

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