Saturday, May 17, 2008

Padang, I need that Old District to be Restored!

Another annoying view for my sights seeing the potential in Padang city. I finally traced the historic area in Padang, at least the small bit of it. Definitely untouched and just left neglected. That afternoon I had a chance to walk along the road and area of Batang Arau river, sad to see the old shop houses were simply filled by cement, cement, and cement! If only we can see and ralize more of these rich potentials. It's all right there! The hills, the kampung, the river, fishermen boats, old shop houses! A potential that a country like Singapore, even Malaysia (gosh, imagine other advance countires) would just dig and develop.

And here I am.. sitting on a stone by the sidewalk, calming myslef from getting angry to whom I dont know to blame. Government? yes. Communities? yes. Architects? yes. But again, what to do?

Well, by posting all the pictures, hopefully one will actually do something, I hope.

Padang, a place behind isolated by Barisan Hills. If those policy makers can only see...

... and ACT!

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