Thursday, December 23, 2010

I've got new eyes from him: It's a Canon EOS D60!!!

Should I give him a smile? Of course. BIG smile. Seemed like our 'going-officially-on-a-date' is a LOT more fruitful than other anniversaries like.. umph.. I don't know.. Wedding? or Birthday?? Well. all are special. but this year! 23 Dec 2010 is one of the best as I got a whole package.

Love. Hugs. Kisses....and Canon EOS D60. This certainly adds up my collection. :)

Then 2 days later he gave me Nat Geo bag. Perfect! These pics? I took pictures of my favorite collections with the my D60 baby! {Just too much baby! Unimaginable and you read my hopes well}.

Now, let's go hunting! :)