Sunday, September 24, 2006

Back gRouNd (terjemahan ala Rachma... back=belakang ; ground=tanah... tanah belakang.. wah berarti back ground artinya halaman belakang rumah!!! ngawur rek!...)

Finally the two girls, Esti and Rachma decided to meet – kopi darat akhirnya, nengs! – to finalize their meetings all this time through emails. Imagine the two had never met before! They are both working in the same foreign diplomatic mission but different posts – but surely both have crazy ideas about traveling and they made it and I will tell you all about it in this “Sandal Jepit” travel story.

It was all started by daring their buddy “Cigil” who happened not be posted in Phnom Penh – so why not! They picked up their flip flop (so called Sandal Jepit) and getting ready to hang there – lay easy and cool (no HOT!) to enjoy the mysterious Cambodia, the land of the ancient Siamese kingdoms and temples (so called “wat” in Thai and Khmer, but “candi” in Indonesian)

This is of course Rachma’s side of the story
(Hey, Yo! Esti, you promise to add on the other link.. work on it, girl!)

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